Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Dr. Dr. Dr.

Hauschka Hauschka Hauschka

If you haven't ever used Dr Hauschka before, here is an opportunity to become aquainted with them: by looking at their website after you've read our store profile!

Unfortunately, here at the Asheville store were being busy bees and were unable to give our 2 cents about the Dr Hauschka line for their website. But here on our blog, deadlines are thankfully a little more forgiving!

Here's what some of us have to say about the line (this is for you, Allison!)

"Christa gave me a sample of this lotion and I just love it!" Evelyn says as she's slathering it all over her arms.

Amy exclaims "Mom! That's like $40 lotion for your face and you just used it like it was Avon!"

"Well...it was a sample!" Evelyn replies.

(My mom loves the rose day cream and has since realized how precious it is and only uses it on her face. She's also in love with the rose body moisturizer)

"I think Dr Hauschka is a Leo with Leo rising because they think they're the only face care line in the industry."

"No, they are Pisces with Pisces rising. They just have their heads in anthroposophical clouds."

Customer asks: "What's your favorite bath stuff?"

C: "Well, it depends on whether I'm in a salty mood or not."

customer: "I'm not in a salty mood..I want something more heavenly."

C: "Oh, well then try this bath kit. It's a great bathroom accessory. When you pour in the bath oils, pour it in a figure eight shape into the water and you create a vortex of energy that just charges your bath with cosmic goodness!"

customer: "ooooooooohhh"

All in all, we have always been Hauschka apologists. Yes, it is expensive. But once you look into the intentional steps of the bio dynamic processes that everything goes through, you realize that we are lucky to even have a face care line with that kind of homeopathic, rhythmitised energy. And then, once you use it and use it correctly (!) then your skin is the one that feels lucky.

For those of you who have never tried Hauschka before, come into the store and we'll send you home with a few days' worth of samples so that you can become a follower of Hauschka like the rest of us. We love to infect others with our cosmetic obsessions!

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